i am disappoited time team is to end after its next series a lot of people learnt more about the history of the uk.My grandchildren learnt more about roman history medieval times and other periods in our countries history than at school, http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tv_time_team_to_reveal_secrets_of_ancient_norfolk_fort_1_1783360. I feel sure we havent heard the last either. Hated that they axed Mick Aston and brought in other new people!!! It worked before, if you think about it. will take it on. Tim Team has finally brought British history into focus for me. And a pint or 2 as well, EUTOPIA. And we have just recently lost Mick Aston, the Rock of Gibraltar of the show. TV is going downhill faster & faster. Was it one persons requirements that brought extras into the show, persons not wanted nor needed, also not as talented as a walnut. I cannot understand why you are axing it!!? So thank you time team I hope someone with a brain brings it back. Not all of us want mindless reality TV that costs a few bob to present. As it was said at the start, they had to change it and then when it all went wrong blame someone else. Lee, viewer outrage worked in Australia with The Movie Show. When I get a chance I watch the repeats on More 4. And what lies behind the strange decision to give us two rehashes of old material at the end of the 19th season? .As always it will, I supposed be replaced by some run of the mill program, American sit com or soap. It is obvious to me that they were always working on their format and that Tony was the TV guy while the others were the science folks. Interested in keeping up to date with the latest archaeological finds across Britain? I cant help being captivated by the digs. When not filming, Stewart also works as an investigator and project manager for English Heritage. It was over when Mick went AWOL. He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. 2017, My husband and I decided to get rid of our tv when we had 2 young sons. | Phoenix the Dreamer, https://digventures.com/2013/03/tools-down-for-time-team-raksha-dave-on-the-end-of-an-era-and-her-new-adventure/, Current Archaeology Award Winners for 2023 announced, The peaceful Neolithic is dead: the dawn of agriculture coincided with rising violence, Scars of early Civil War battle found at Coleshill Manor. To all the people who wrote nasty comments on this forum about it, I leave you with this question why are you on this site at all if you didnt love it like the rest of us? While the TV producers have obviously ruined a formula that entertained and educated millions of people worldwide for a couple of decades, I assume it is now beyond recall. The major players seem tired and cranky, and while they are all professionals and are trying very hard to be positive and upbeat, its obvious that they are trying, and that ruins it. This is a disaster in t.v programming where currently all you get is the banal reality of the likes of Toddlers in Tiaras .The Time Team over the years became like welcome friends into your home and you wished you could join them in the pub at the end for a beer. Loved Time Team and will miss it [endless repeats are not the same but I still find myself watching them anyway]. Long gone are the back garden digs. I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. Maybe after all these replies BBC4 may approach the original team !!! I learn so much. Maybe the TT should be recalled for a one off programme and instead of digging things up they could bury the CH 4 production managers and all forthcoming rubbish they plan to screen, My wife is very upset about the end of Time Team she adds its like losing and old friend Please Please channel 4 its not to late to change your mind. Its an opportunity to find new voices and should help launch a new generation of archaeologists, under the guidance and watchful eye of Mr Taylor! The fun gone out of Sunday teatime! It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. Always will be in my heart! You always felt a relationship with the team, they appeared friendly, very enthusiastic and appeared to be there for the love of archaeology. And they have taken it off and broken up a brilliant team. I used to go into a hole with a size 9 shovel and spent nearly 33 years digging around obstacles like gas, electric, sewers, to name a few and I can assure you that I did not have the patience of some of this team. Slower paced, Timesigns has Mick talking directly to the camera in a style more akin to a history documentary or Open University broadcast. It is always the same, if it works change it, No offense Lizbeth, I really like Tony, but I still think my observation is accurate. It has become a staple in our family, even with the ABC running older series in high-rotation it beats the rest of the 6pm options hands down, even in repeat mode. Really gutted TT has finished, and shame on Channel 4 for this decision! Channel 4 can go to where it rightly belongs confined to History. So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Because the major players were all quite old, and as you will have heard age is the surest antidote to youthful energy. Rip, time team. I could have watched it for another 20 years. Great memories sadly missed. Without any doubt whatsoever Time Team was the best show on TV and a giant amongst the crappy stuff we have to put up with these days such as reality TV shows. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and was its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. I am off to channel four to ask them what is wrong with audiences that are over 40, 50 or even 60, what is wrong with older peoples programmes? My parents watch it. quite a lot of the programmes are available on Veehd.com. The villa is a tantalising prospect - a grand building almost as big as Buckingham Palace. Lee. i like everything about it. I hate that its producers felt the need to change its face to meet the modern idea of glamour! I generally watch one episode a night, but on weekends I sometimes binge watch until my eyeballs beg for mercy. Time Team Official 133K subscribers Time Team Teatime - Session 28 Wrapping up Black History Month and our exploration of North America's early European colonies, we're staying in St Mary's. Time Teams legacy leaves much to celebrate. Judged a misfire by Channel 4, it could have been the end. I remember John Gater and his long beard. I have enjoyed Time Team from day one. , Cant we have Phil once a week digging a hole in a pub garden, please?xxxx. My grandson is a budding archeologist and watches it over and over again. Also I dont know how many episodes Ive got left to watch and am dreading the day I realise Im rewatching episodes Ive seen before, though thats still better than pretty much anything else on TV at the moment. The foregoing is an exhausting but entertaining read. All the best shows are taken off and all we are left with is the boring and so untrue Archers. Such a fantastic guide, love it. I am so sad and gutted Time Team has been axed. An audience study in 2006 indicated that 20 million people watched at least one show that year. As Mick Aston observed the geophys and Time Team have always gone hand in hand. my point in this is, why try to fix it if it aint broke change is not always as good as a rest. Very sorry to see Time Team being finished. Please bring it back with all the original cast the new ones where good but I preferred the old cast and format. Just imagine all our Patreon subscribers sitting down to watch Time Team and thinking: We made this happen!. Jim summed up their approach as messing with something perfectly fine, and when it wasnt a success, blaming the people trying to make it work., Time Teams cost also made it vulnerable. After university, he worked as Somerset's first County Archaeologist before returning to university as a lecturer. Certainly the revamp for the 2012 programmes didnt do the programme any favours but another reason for the loss of viewers even before that must have been the lack of a fixed time in the schedules. And anyone who does not like Tony Robinson probably doesnt like Rowan Atkinson either, probably has not a read book over 30 pages in decades, and probably believes the Big Bang was what happened in their bedroom last night.. Its prototype was Timesigns, a four-part series that aired in 1991. Last night (17 June 2014), they had a prominent, crude cartoon of a mans sexual equipment inserted into this highly humorous clip. I found it much preferable to the Planet Earth shows of David Attenbrough. Tamara Cohen for the Daily Mail, Mick Aston, 65, quits historical show after it hires Cambridge graduate Mary-Ann Ochota, 30, Prof Aston was on long-running show for 19 years, DAN WOOTTON: Too old for TV? T.T. Time Team brought archaeology to the publics attention (including mine) and will be sorely missed. youtu.be/rlKmrT. Sad Time Team series being finished. tony and all made history come to life to the public and we {as a family] looked forward to the one great programme aweek but know more,,,,how old are the producers ,if they watched t t perhapes they could learn that life does not always mean MONEY MORE MONEY , What a bummer! IT DID NOT NEED JAZZING UP. Hopefully it will be picked up by another channel. What a lot we learned. while the Facebook page is slowly building! Channel 4 obviously think we are all brain dead morons who need to watch the endless mind numbing soaps or the even more pathetic American rubbish that now dominates our screens. R.I.P. Still, we liked to watch something online every now and than rather than read a book, play a game or just talk to each other and thats when my husband showed me the first episodes of Time Team, which he remember from his youth. The pair bonded on the idyllic Greek island, where Micks aptitude for breathing life into the past convinced Tony that archaeology had untapped television potential. You can never run out of history in Britain. Inspiring stuff. Yes, speak for yourself! , updated And, unlike Phil and Mick, one didnt long to give her a haircut!! . Im writing this having just had my daily lunchtime fix of a Tiime Team repeat on More 4. I often wish you could all come to my back yard 1 acre) and help me find the many many pairs of secateurs buried therein. This is not the present series I wonder where you are watching? The thing that should be axed is the TV exec that made that decision. I can honestly say that what you saw on the television was what you got in real life. Through understanding and helping to preserve the past, and sharing it with a worldwide audience, we hope to re-engage with the enthusiasm that so many of our fans have shown over the years., Many of the original team are already involved, both on and off screen. I would just like to thank Tony Robinson, Mick Aston, Phil Harding and all of the crew at Time Team for many years of fascinating TV. This was the best educational programme that looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. I am shattered by this news. Thats fairly unusual.. Thank you time team, one and all, I constantly watch the reruns on the history channel here is oz. Tony was the right man to present, no doubt about that. I had no idea it was finishing until yesterday and I missed the last viewing as I have flu and have been sleeping a lot.. OH DEAR ! TT was an utter revelation. In my mind, one of the contributing factors to the programmes demise, were the increasing number of digs being done on behalf of professional bodies such as English Heritage, and local authorities. Yes, the interest remains for the show. I regularly tape the programmes as it is shown on a variety of stations, history,yesterday, and channel 4 being some. We have it so easy in this day and age to compare to others in the past and we so loved it when Tony came to Australia and did some shows about our ancestral heritage,we all walk past so much and never notice whats in front of us,we miss so much rich knowledge right under our feet. although a WONDERFUL outlet for the undoubted heroes, is not archaeology and not what I feel Time Team needs. Hopefully, I will be able to visit some. Said no-one, ever. I have watched this program over the life of its showing and as a saturday morning archaeologist I was challenged to dig deeper (pun intended) by reading more into the theory and practice of archaeology. What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. Discovered Time Team after visiting U.K. This is the sort of Programme that would thrive on BBC 2 in conjunction with The Open University. My eldest son is now 19 and guess what he is studying at University (say no more) thank you Time Team. That is, the irritating new team members, the irritating clanging noise when Tony narrates and the increasingly less time spent in the trenches. Now we are nearing the end of Series XX I feel a tinge of sadness that a programme which both educates and informs will be with us no more. It will be sad for it to end, but theres still a few epsiodes I havent seen. ABC altered the format marginally and called it At the Movies. Many a critic was silenced by seeing the team in action. Tony admitted a number of times that he is not an archeologist. How DARE they axe Time Team, it has been one of my few regular watches for a long time. Look at Lee Bradys comment 23rd Jan. Theres a link for a petition hes got started. irritating but he was a part of a recipe that worked for a long time. Time team seemed to be excavating at the behest of large bodies like English Heritage and the National Trust, not some amateurs or local individuals. Enjoyed Tony and the whole crew, felt like u were part of the dig and part of the crew, they were all like family. Thank you all so verymuch for what you have accomplished. Some of the regulars have retired, some have moved on to other things, a few have departed for Tr nan g or the Field of Reeds. certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. How amazing to see the history of England being unearthed. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. The students became instant converts to the program. time team is the best progamme on tv. Now, instead of honest archeology, we are going to be swamped with American hystorical programming, in which they assume we all have a 1 second attention span, need constant recaps (at least 4 per 10 minute part) and need it all (badly) acted out by ridiculous, cheap, and hugely inaccurate costumes, backgrounds and language. Sounds ageism to me, isnt that against the law now? He was affectionately called Time Team's "lumps and bumps" man by Mick Aston, and works with the team alongside his day job, travelling the country surveying, recording and investigating archaeological sites. This segregates the viewers and leaves fans like me stuck in the middle and slightly upset at the notion that my favorite programmes have been taken over by people who havent got a idea. With a fantastic team backed by Keith Westcott and Martin Fiennes, local community support, the possibility of an ongoing legacy, and the guarantee of great archaeology, Broughton Castle ticks all the boxes!, Taylor continues: The Broughton villa promises to be one of the finest examples in Britain. This did happen in fact, but the show kept going with Mick Aston and (Sir) Tony Robinson always at the helm. As a lowyal Time Team viewer from Australia, I am devastated. Lively interpersonal dynamics, celebratory meals and wine, inviting locals to learn more about the world around them back in time, diverse resources and approaches coordinating and appreciating each other- some reading. However over the years TT seem to have worked on sites that have been known about for a long time, but have remained unexplored for whatever reason. Self - Deya, Mallorca, Spain (1998) . Shame on Chanel 4! Ive got to say I think he handled the shows well. And there is much yet to dig and poke at historically in the world, let alone Great Britain. Can anyone help us with the contact? If an episode costs 200,000 and average 1.5 million viewers, would 1 million be willing to pay 20p via mobile phone or subscription towards making it, or 400,000 willing to pay 50p per episode? Like Paul said (June 23 comment) you wished you could join them in the pub at the end for a beer . They seem to have replaced alot of the original cast for more easy on the eye team members, the new historian was a prime example. My absolute favorite TV program! This is no good for those at work or school. Posted by 27 days ago. Time Team's Stewart Ainsworth on How To See Time In The Landscape. Surely television that inspires interest and development is too good to lose? The site, discovered by historian and metal detectorist Keith Westcott after years of research, could be one of the biggest villas uncovered in recent times. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. What idiot made this particular decision to cancel such an interesting and educational series! TT is without doubt, the best offering in British television. The 2006 audience survey also identified that Time Teams core audience consisted of families and people aged over 45 / 50. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVRe_gMtXNo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Time_Team_episodes, I Have Fallen In Love With Land Rover Freelander! What a bunch of idiots. Envisioned as a quiz show in the vein of Challenge Anneka running on BBC 1 from 1989 to 1995 the team were called on to solve archaeological mysteries while racing against the clock. The technology now at our disposal, and a new generation of archaeologists joining the team, is a fantastic prospect. It was my favourite show for many years and definitely, for me, left so many other scientifically accurate but boring-as-bat-poo documentaries in its dust. Much better than most of the rubbish we get now that there are so many channels chasing adverts & broadcasting ever increasing repeats. I have loved it from the first episode and who cares if Tony is a little OTT sometimes, he keeps it entertaining and all together. The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. The onscreen introduction of team members and their specialist skills was a hangover from a time when participants would have varied from week to week, rather than coalescing into a core group. if you can i would a reply.also HELEN IS ALSO VERY GOOD. I will miss it and them dreadfully. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. If Id been younger when the programme first started I would have loved to have studied archaeology to work in such a fascinating area, I had little knowledge of or interest in archaeology before. We live in USA. The Isle of Mull episode in season 17 is a great example of what could be discovered. Spot on. Years earlier, Sir Mortimer Wheeler did some Archaeology pgms on TV and they were always popular. age is no barrier in archaeology and many of us dont start until our 40s and 50s. With Phil Harding also on board, three members of the future Time Team core were in place. In other words, archaelogy, teamwork, and interaction in that order. Maybe the finding of Richard III might encourage a change of heart. I agree the lady they brought in for Series 19 was disappointing and that it does show how far C4 has come in the last 20 years. I am very sorry to see it go. The meeting was followed by an email to archaeologists last year from Wildfire Television, which makes the programme. And so disappointed in ch4. A relative alerted us to Time Team knowing.my husband and I were long term enthusiasts. I wonder if channel 4 realise how far T.Ts popularity stretches and how informative it is for all ages. if only someone could afford too get all thecast back and go on channel 2 or 5 any ware but not on 4 .. who ever made up there minds to get rid off TT I HOPE there bosses can see the error they are makeing.very sad to see it go. Great news that it is ending now we can have even more programs about yobs drinking abroad, crappy makeovers, the life of white van drivers and buying houses that cost 250,000 or more. Now British television can be as dumbed down and offensive as American television has become. But its also the fact that they didnt just impart accumulated knowledge, they made new discoveries as we watched. This feature was published in Current Archaeology issue274. A political gesture aimed at building up regional television, Time Team was picked because it seemed a safe pair of hands. Taylor says, It would have been great to show Basil Brown the new technology, which enables us to see 3D images of the archaeology underground, allowing us to precisely target our excavation., Taylor continues: This dig signals the start of a fascinating new chapter for Time Team. We shall mourn the loss of TT in Australia, although the episodes arrive on our screens years after they are made, which means well be watching them long after the series ends were still with the old format so I cant comment on the new look TT. Maybe it will work with time team too. Who is Mary Ann & what does she bring to the table? Stewart surveys, records and investigates archaeological sites. All the repeats are still amazing, I also watch ime team every day without fail. Yes, it became a bit formulaic probably inevitable when dullard TV producers are involved. Alarm bells began to ring for us when Mary-Anne appeared it seemed to coincide with a dumbing-down of the show. What better way of introducing archaeology to young people than for them to see it on a Sunday afternoon? While viewing it might be a bittersweet experience we should enjoy the moment while we can. Spoilt in the end by Fixing something that want bust. Sounds like a bargain to me, how much do the BBC spend on the series presented by David Attenborough? Well said and one hundred per cent agree. A brief history of Time Team Time Team 's genesis is a well-rehearsed story. This is a project in its preliminary stages, run by Tim Taylor. May be he could be a Lord? Vale Time Team, you will be missed. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/time-team-should-continue-on-tv.html. Here we chart the highs and lows of a revolutionary format that aimed to bring archaeology to the people. Channel Four seem to be missing a trick that gthe BBC would have undoubtedly have profited from by issuing DVDs of the most important digs over the years. What proved to be the fateful conversation took place in a Little Chef on the Okehampton bypass. INCREDIBLE ! along with Mick Aston, Robin Bush & Beric Morley. [emailprotected]. Yeah. Wasnt TT the only reason to watch Channel 4 ? After playing a critical role in many of Time Team's digs, from the caves of Cheddar to the jungles of Nevis, Mick . Please ressurect it someone soon. There can be little doubt that part of the shows early success stems from the audience warming to the groups genuine passion for teasing out the past. I used to tape the shows & send the tapes to my sister in Winnipeg who enjoyed them as much as as we did Phil & Tony were our Favourites . I AM SO UPSET AT THE ENDING OF TIME TEAM ! Dont let it stop you Margaret. Very disappointing. And the team. I KNOW i keep on saying it but i cannot get my head around channel 4 is getting rid off such a great programme it is seen all over the world. Time Team you have inspired so many people .THANK YOU. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that its being I started watching TT in 1998 (2 years after leaving school) and it showed that history can be not only interesting but also fun. Time Team did a superb job and has an excellent track record of quality archaeology, bringing the subject to millions via TV and publishing the results! Their ethos has been propagated through the educational system and I feel that its still there (though fading) Just been reading all the comments, and a lot of sensible thinhs have been said, and a few stupid ignorant ones as well. The presenters never got enough credit for me, Phil, a hero and when can I share a pint with you? He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. Not on the Live I dug at. I am now watching past digs being repeated on More Four. There is more than enough rubbish shown on tv so why axe a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions. I have watched Time Team for years as has my son and many many friends. I was glued to the screen.. Thankyou for what we have ! In 224 digs, Time Team revolutionised the presentation of archaeology on TV (which before had focussed largely on the Classical world), bringing Britain's heritage into our front rooms - and, in the early series, into our back gardens. Close. Mick, and Phil, and even Tony all made a significant contribution to our understanding archaeology and they way in which it can inform us of our past. Out of interest, Time Team fans, how many of you would be willing to pay directly to watch new programs? We have watched it form the start and enjoyed it on various level hugely. This was highlighted by having a member of the public read out a letter of invitation at the beginning, posing the question they wanted answered. My children are 13 and 12, and we all like to sit down as a family and watch this programme together and learn something. You are going to be missed more than most of us realise. People who had their gardens dug up were very brave once Phil got digging, were their gardens reland scaped. I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. Spent time today discussing post-holes with a friend, others around thought we were crazy, but thats what Time Team was all about. Perhaps if TT had included a Big Brother style segment of drunken, debauched university students or only dug up the gardens of minor celebrity reality tv show contestants theyd still be on the air. With only some strange earthworks exciting the curiosity of local amateur archaeologists to go on, the programme was flexible enough to be able to take a gamble. Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. Apart from the marvellous people who made up the Time Team over the years, the way they used the magic of television to highlight features of the dig, overlay geophys visualisations onto the site, extend a fragment of a pot into a full representation, and so on, made this program an exemplar of how to produce truly educational television; and the way the passion of the Team members and their expertise was allowed to shine, coupled with a witty front man, showed that educational does not have to mean dull or dumbed down. Of us want mindless reality TV that costs a few epsiodes I havent seen up! Say that what stewart ainsworth leaves time team have inspired so many people.THANK you reply.also HELEN is VERY... ( including stewart ainsworth leaves time team ) and will be sorely missed real life stretches and how informative it shown! Week and also all the original cast the new ones where good but I preferred the old cast format. 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