A good diet balancer product might then be appropriate fed based on desired body weight. I considered an oatmeal, though now have read to not increase fiber. Depending how its made, and what ingredients its comprised of, it could be fine for both species to eat. Youll want to start him out slow and work him up over a period of 7-10 days, if you suspect he hasnt been eating much at all, to avoid any digestive upset. Feeding on grass is great alongside straw for the majority of the year. She has a salt block and mineral block available at all times. It, Yes, a cow can look up. Our concern is to avoid founder, or some other problem, with too much hay, but feed her enough to restore her weight and get her bones covered. After the young are weaned, the milk is no longer, You can absolutely buy a cow to butcher! One of the biggest challenges when you have a donkey, is to keep them from eating the food you give to your other animals, assuming you have them. I would not be surprised if your mule is lonesome as mules are social animals. Both girls were under weight when we got them and do look better now. What do you suggest as a feed program to restore her weight? Donkeys are desert animals that evolved to roam the wilds in search of food. Donkeys, despite being part of the equine family, evolved in a way close to ruminants like goats. Non-medicated cow, goat, and bird foods are not good for your donkeys, and medicated feeds can be fatal! One has skin issues and is definitely overweight. I couldnt get a vet out and he would not load. Mini cows are a type of miniature cattle that are smaller than full-size cows, but can still provide milk for dairy purposes. This last problem caused by overeating protein will affect your donkeys GI tract and the good bacteria. One reason donkeys shouldnt be fed goat feed is that donkeys have far different nutritional needs than goats. Wheat is the most common item, When you call someone a cow, you are calling them an idiot, or a stupid person. he U.S., Belgium, and Peru. This bacteria is found in the environment, and can infect horses, donkeys, and other animals. I would not want the forage to be over 50% of the total diet. She just eats the hay very slow and Im not sure if shes getting enough nutrients to gain weight. In addition, they are, Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season grass that is widely used for hay, pasture, turf, and as a soil erosion control plant. This donkey needed his hooves trimmed and being new to the area we had a hard time finding someone. To get, A female cow is called a heifer. Other animal feeds should also be kept away from your donkey for the same reason. As such selenium is often provided for in the feed with the use of trace mineralized salt blocks. Thanks for reaching out, From there, monitor body condition closely to determine if they are putting on excess weight and adjust your feeding rates accordingly. I don't feed any grains. It is always important to monitor Body Condition Score along with hair coat, hoof quality and muscle mass to determine how the individual animal is doing. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. Can donkeys get sick from eating whole macadamia nuts? He passed that night. He loves being right with my horse . http://www.horsefeedblog.com/2012/03/feeding-donkeys/, https://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/donkey-health-and-welfare, Progressive Nutrition Foals First Starter and Creep, https://www.nutrenaworld.com/product/safechoice-original-horse-feed, https://www.nutrenaworld.com/product/safechoice-senior-horse-feed, http://www.horsefeedblog.com/2012/09/grazing-muzzles-a-good-tool-for-easy-keepers/, https://www.horsefeedblog.com/2010/06/how-to-track-your-horses-body-condition-score/. I would suggest you consider the following: Donkeys evolved in fairly harsh environments where food was not always available and are fortunately a bit less prone to digestive disturbances than horses. You should also check to be sure that your donkey cant reach any of these trees and shrubs from wherever they are being kept outside. For the grain, wed definitely recommend SafeChoice over a basic sweet feed itll have way more calories, and far less starch and sugar. All B and K vitamins are produced by bacteria found in the rumen of goats and are not considered nutritionally necessary. While not designed for equids, there should not be any ingredients in the dog food that would be detrimental. You might want to make certain that you are not feeding more than 0.5% of BW in grain at one meal as well. Although it's unusual, several farmers or ranch owners report having goats killed by overly aggressive donkeys. I contacted the vet and he stated he treated several cases of pneumonia in the past few weeks. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Also, don't feed the donkey with moldy meals. What Will Happen if a Donkey Eats Goat Feed? If eating goat feed by donkeys has been a problem on your farm, you can invest in a creep feeder which ensures the donkeys are kept out of the feeder. Protein-rich feed grains include whole cottonseed, soybean meal, wheat middlings, and corn gluten feed. We would suggest introducing them slowly, for short periods of time to start, gradually allowing them to graze for longer and longer periods. They can also be unconcerned with them. Avoid feeding potatoes, anything from the brassica family, onions, leeks, garlic, stoned fruit and anything which is old, fermented or mouldy as these are toxic to donkeys. Poor hoof quality is frequently the result of a lack of essential amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins in the diet that are not provided by grass hay. Moldy food is poisonous to your donkeys and is highly dangerous to their health. If you are not sure which, Today we're going to learn how to make a cow banner in Minecraft! Add apples gradually to their diet if they have never tasted apples before to keep their little tummy healthy. As always, you want to introduce the products gradually, feed at least 2X per day and make sure that clean fresh water and salt are available. A donkey could serve as a good companion for Leo. They're much better off with hay. When a baby donkey grows up, they can remember old friends and places they've been for up to 20 years. It's a common question that arises when discussing livestock. Most likely, its a dominance / pecking order thing, or possibly just a really bad habit shes picked up along the way. Also, in regards to hoof issues such as laminitis, limiting access to the early hours of the day when the sugar content of the pasture is lower can be beneficial as well. As an indulgence, donkeys can be fed vegetables such as carrots, turnips, swedes and squash. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Senior or SafeChoice Mare & Foal or equivalent products. SafeChoice Original or Special Care would both be excellent options for you. Hi Abel, I will be putting 2 donkeys on a 1-acre pasture that has always been lawn up to now. Have hay on hand for rainy days. Goat feed pellets are a means of providing feed to the goats in a pellet form. Nothing was open for me to get any kind of steroid or antibiotic. Corn chops or cracked corn can be added as an energy source. Coffin bones are a mess on the x-rays. I was told by our farrier that coastal hay is too fine and will ball up inside them causing them to colic. Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. I have spent every day working with him and he now comes to me and can be rubbed but he is still head shy and i cant get a collar on him. Donkeys can eat goat feed however, it doesn't contain the necessary nutrients which they require and as such should not be made a major part of their diet. (at least for a few day while we find out what best to feed) amount of feed? However, we found an Amish guy to come out to trim his hooves. An interesting question. Greg Iacono is a self-taught writer and former chiropractor who, ironically, retired early due to back problems. Can Donkeys Eat Goat Feed? Even though horses and donkeys are equines, horses have specific nutritional needs that donkeys dont, and vice versa. How, Cows can choke on turnips if they eat them too fast or if the turnips are too big. Is a goat mineral block safe for a donkey? At 6 cups a day, she is likely at the very low end, if not below, the recommended amount for her body size. For feeding him, yes, he can absolutely eat the same feeds generally donkeys just need less than horses do. Either way, youll want to seek the help of a local trainer to alleviate whats happening there. The difference comes from how the feed is made. These cows are typically moved to the feedlots when they are about 500 pounds heavier, No one really knows for sure whether or not there are make cows. It sounds like you are making progress in getting them back from under-weight condition. This is largely dependent on what the person prefers or is looking for in a, Cows have to be milked because they are mammals. If a cow chokes on a turnip, it will usually die within, Assuming you would like tips on how to store and transport cow's milk for a baby: It is important to take extra care when handling and storing cows milk for, Assuming you would like a blog post on how to breed cows in Minecraft: Cows can be bred with wheat, hay bales, or flowers. We have found him a companion who is currently alongside rather than in with him as she is young and female. Pet Keen is reader-supported. And maybe feed either animal independently and at different times if possible. A cow can eat a banana that is up to 8 inches long, There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the size of the acreage, the climate, the terrain, the type of grasses, A rump roast is a cut of beef that comes from the hindquarter of the cow. I was told by the vet to never grain her, only round bales of hay. Often theyre too rich or fortified for donkeys to digest well. Whatever you do, you will want to ensure you keep them in proper weight, while still providing a balanced overall diet a product such as a ration balancer is a perfect solution for easy-keeping donkeys. Front fore is not good and i want to geld him, worm and innoculate him. PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. One thing that goat feed doesnt have much of that donkeys, especially miniatures, need is salt blocks. Greg is also an accomplished video script writer known for his ability to take a complex subject and make it accessible for the layperson. The hay we will feed her is Timothy grown at 7,500 ft altitude. Goats can eat invasive weeds and underbrush, while horses consume more grasses. Best wishes on success feeding your donkey! The answer, unfortunately, is that even though donkeys will gladly eat goat food, they shouldnt because goat feed isnt healthy for them. They are two different species and their DNA is incompatible. Donkeys can also be territorial when eating, so you may want to make certain that the dogs or goats do not disturb the donkey when it is being fed until it has been habituated a bit more. It's not just a matter of milking them once a day, though; cows need to be milked, Cows are often thought of as gentle giants, but they can also be fiercely protective of their young. The term "corned" comes from the use of large kernels of rock salt, called "corns," to, If you're asking whether you can feed a baby deer cow's milk, the answer is no. Hi Kellie, Have been feeding west senior pellets and steamed flaked oats. While under a visual inspection the digestive tract of a donkey and horse is the same, the way donkeys ferment and use fiber is unique. Thank you. Congrats on the new donkey! For example, if you make your goat feed at home (or on your farm) and dont fortify the ingredients with extra iron, protein, copper, and so forth, both your goats and your donkeys will have no problem eating the feed. If the donkey consumed grain and had some discomfort (mouth feel/comfort, bitter taste, perhaps mild gas, maybe mild ulcer??) I need some advise, Thank you so much! A cow's pregnancy lasts about nine months, so she will calve every spring if not sooner., A cows gestation period is about 9 months long, just like humans. In the instance of just starting him out, you could start with the grass/pasture and the Strategy no need to add in the alfalfa and rice bran just yet. That's a lot of bovines! You could also use a higher quality hay such as an alfalfa grass mixture or straight alfalfa and feed it with a product that is designed for young growing animal. She eats the grass, but not non stop like the goats. Hi Alayna, The term "cow" is sometimes used to refer to all female cattle, including bison and water buffalo. Multi-species products work OK, but this product has produced very good results. The rib area is located between the shoulder and the loin of the cow. You can also adjust feeding rate to produce desired rate of gain. (I did have to find some longer straps as dogs have smaller necks.) Grass hay will work for the youngster as long as it is fed with a product for young animals. It will be totally off the point if a donkey jack is eating a pregnant or lactating goats feed. He would not eat or poop. Thank you. Nov 20, 2016 Thread starter #3 akamoot A typical goat pellet can consist of roughages, rice straw, soybean meal, maize crush, salt and other ingredients depending on the type of goat being fed. Some people say that cow's milk is mucus-forming and can make phlegm thicker, while others say that cow's, A quarter of a cow is usually around 200-250 pounds of meat. I have just gotten a donkey with a 1month baby jack Is it ok for the baby to eat sweet feed and how much should I Feed Her Also when should I have him castrated, The Feed Room is proudly brought to you by. If youre interested in finding out more about donkeys and how best to care for them as well as what they should and shouldnt eat check out our guides. Congratulations on rescuing this family of donkeys. Hi Cheryl, You have some options as you may want to add both body condition and some muscle mass. How does a rabbi make coffee? Best of luck! Donkeys don't need the extra iron, copper, protein, and other vitamins and minerals usually added to goat feed. Donkeys are in general a bit more efficient at forage utilization that horses as they evolved on lower quality diets. Thats why its best not to give your donkey feed from another animal, as their dietary needs dont always match and, in some cases, can be significantly different. One girl est 15 to 18 yrs old, her daughter probably 8 yrs old. We walked and walked. Its well known that protein is necessary for all mammals and that they cant sustain life without it. With all of the news stories, A ribeye is a beef steak that comes from the rib area of a cow. For catching him, you will need to use your best judgement on that, but please stay safe! All these extra nutrients can cause several health issues, some of which are quite severe. But the donkey shows no signs of any health issues. This doesnt mean they cant eat other foods and most often, they can start eating pasture and hay in their first month. If size is very different between your horse and donkey, you may want to explore a hay feeder that the horse can eat out of but the donkey cant kind of a reverse creep feeder. He is on pasture with my horse and Im trying to figure out if I should separate him and put him in a smaller area to put him on a diet but not sure what to do to get that weight down. Unless he is in poor body condition, in which case you can feed at the upper end of the range until he gets up to condition, then back off the feed until you find the amount he maintains condition at. I have miniature horses and he is by himself alongside them. If hes not still drastically losing weight, then he may be consuming his fair share of calories in pasture, especially as we come in to the warmer weather and pastures improve for the summer. I would suggest you consider a good ration balancer product that has guaranteed levels of lysine, methionine, copper, zinc, manganese and biotin. Simple single source grains are best like rolled oats or rolled barley. Hi Louise, Thank you so much for the information! You should be able to reduce the reaction by a gradual program of having the donkey being led or confined, then very gradually habituating the donkey to movements. He came with the property we bought in southern france. Creep feeders are large devices found on many farms that allow you to feed certain animals while not letting other animals eat. I would like the advice. We noticed the very next day the Jack doing the same. I have a Jack and a Jenny and was just told that they can not eat hay You can find straw for bedding, but it might not be clean enough for feed. Your best indicator is to start at the recommended level (1.5 2% of their bodyweight per day). If you had asked me this question a few, Athenos Feta Cheese is made from 100% real cow's milk. The question is, however, why is protein bad for donkeys? Well, keeping both animals together can make it almost impossible to separate their feeds. Another option to help limit his calorie intake might be a grazing muzzle. Also (and this is critical), medicated goat feed can be fatal to a donkey. You can also use something like foal feeders to prevent donkeys getting at goat feed. Donkeys are low-maintenance animals. One, do not put them all together at once. Because of the different digestive system of the donkey, they might eat up the goats feed and be full without actually getting the important nutrients they require and this can lead to health problems later. However, it is now known that this is not always the case. Daily exercise is always a good option! I am mostly interested to know if this feed is okay to give her. Is any of that okay feeding him? I raise goats and just got a small standard Jenny. Hi Ashlynn, What are the signs that a donkey is healthy? I currently have a mare that needs the company. Some donkeys will dominate grown horses. All of our farm animals are fed together, and usually stay with their own food. I was considering fasting them to help heal them of their ailments. Pasture grasses are not always available all year round though and they are sometimes fed commercially manufactured goat feed. The loin of the equine family, evolved in a way close ruminants! 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